Commit history is a great tool but it doesn’t always allow us to tell the entire story, or easily access it. Now, when submitting changes to the CCSS, we suggest that you include a post like this one describing the changes, outlining the reasoning for the change, and the impact it may have on established environments.

Although not a requirement, we welcome you to include details on the contirbutors and their affiliations as well.

This changelog is written to take advantage of the static blogging capabilities already built into Jekyll. Posts like this one are written in markdown and saved to the _posts folder of the repository. All changelog entries should be named in the format in order to be picked up by the engine.

We have included a template document ( into the repository which can be copied as the basis for all changelog posts.

Modest sized images for explaining concepts or showing sponsorship/affiliations can be included in the images directory. This is prefered over the use of external links.

Change Contributor(s)

Joshua McDougall, C4